Hello, I am Susanna Sweeney. I have been helping people change their lives for over 25 years. As a Sensorimotor Psychotherapist, also trained in EMDR and an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy I have vast experience. I help people overcome the effects of trauma right down to the more difficult to spot but pervasive effects of developmental (childhood) trauma which includes the impact of unmet developmental needs such as love and approval and being accepted by our caregivers for who we are. I am available for consultations online and worldwide via Zoom for fast, effective and permanent positive change and healing.
A few years ago I extended my toolbox to include hypnosis, which I find to be a fast and effective tool for personal development both for myself and the clients I have been working with. Out of this work grew the Online Hypnotherapy Clinic (.com) where you can find out more about the benefits of hypnotherapy as well as the various myths still surrounding hypnosis which continue to dominate public perception. My goal is to make hypnotherapy more accessible and less shrouded in mystery.
I also hold an MSc in Work and Organisational Behaviour and I am a registered member of the British Psychological Society qualified to conduct psychometric testing. I work with groups and organisations on establishing a positive organisational culture and on building resilience both for individuals and teams.
Havening Techniques® are the latest addition to my toolbox. I love the fast, reliable and permanant changes brought about by this wonderful neuroscience based technique and am proud to be trainining people professionals and those to be in this therapy modality of the future.
I am really excited to have qualified as a Havening Trainer and to be able to train people professionals and those to be in this amazing modality in both Enlish and German language (Deutsch).
Regards, Susanna Sweeney